

About study abroad expenses

Expenses required for studying in Japan

Calculating the costs associated with studying abroad in Japan for the first time and creating a financial plan that includes your own funds will lead to a stable life after studying abroad. Make an unreasonable plan, do the calculations and simulations necessary for studying abroad to avoid problems later, and research unexpected expenses and correct information.

Necessary expenses before coming to Japan

  • Examination fees for various exams (EJU/JLPT/TOEFL, etc.)
  • Entrance exam fee for your desired school
  • Health checkup fee (if necessary)
  • Transportation costs for application documents (international mail, etc.)
  • Flight tickets to Japan
  • Passport application fee (if required)
  • visa fee
  • Other tuition fees such as admission fees and tuition fees
  • Costs related to dormitory fees and apartment contracts in Japan
  • Other miscellaneous expenses

Expenses required after arriving in Japan

  • Accommodation fee
    (Hotel/accommodation costs until housing is decided)
  • Housing costs
    (Initial rental costs, furniture and equipment costs, home appliance purchase costs)
  • Commuting expenses
    (school subscription fee)
  • food expenses
  • Residential life utility expenses
  • Insurance/medical expenses
  • School materials fee
  • Taxes paid to municipalities
  • Other miscellaneous expenses

About Japan’s scholarship system

The Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) provides two types of scholarships: the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s International Student Study Incentive Grant and the Study Abroad Support System (Agreement Acceptance) Scholarship. International Student Acceptance Promotion Program (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Foreign Student Study Encouragement Fund) This program covers the process of preparatory education for entering universities, graduate schools, junior colleges, technical colleges, vocational schools, and Japanese universities. For privately financed international students who are enrolled in established educational institutions or Japanese language educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as “schools”), who are excellent in both academics and character, and who have difficulty attending school due to financial reasons, This is a program that provides study incentive fees. The International Student Acceptance Promotion Program (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Foreign Student Study Encouragement Fund) is only applicable to those whose residence status is “Student”.

Benefit target Monthly payment amount Payment period
Graduate school (doctoral/master’s) 48,000 yen In principle, one year from April to March of the following year, or six months from October to March of the following year
Research student (graduate level)
university department
junior college
College of Technology (3rd grade and above)
Specialized training school (specialized course)
Special course for international students
Major courses at universities, junior colleges, and technical colleges
Preparatory curriculum
Japanese language educational institution 30,000 yen

Application conditions/application method
(application before coming to Japan/before entering university, etc.)

Privately financed international students who have achieved excellent results in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU) and are planning to enroll as full-time students in a Japanese university department, junior college, technical college (3rd year or above), or vocational school. There is a system in which you can be selected as a recipient of the International Student Acceptance Promotion Program (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Foreign Student Study Encouragement Fund). A person who has been selected as a reservation holder according to the degree will enroll as a regular student in a university department, junior college, technical college (3rd grade or above), or vocational school vocational course within the specified period, and the person who has made a reservation from the school of admission If you are recommended to the Japan Student Services Organization and are accepted by the Japan Student Services Organization, you will be able to receive a study incentive fee. *When applying from EJU Online, please select “Apply for a scholarship” in the “International Student Acceptance Promotion Program” column.

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